SteelRose Performance

SteelRose Performance

do you find yourself...

In a constant loop of bad habits and feel out of control?

Constantly stressed out or occasionally burned out?

Unable or unsure how to workout consistently or with structure?

Engaged in negative self-talk and self-sabotage?

Unable to partake in leisure social activities and often isolated?

Making poor eating choices under stress or convenience?

They say you can't have it all

If you’re feeling low energy and trapped between continuing to do well at your job or making healthy decisions, you’re not alone. 

Progress should not drain you, and instead, it should fuel you! 

I’ve experienced loving my profession and fighting hard to better my physical, mental, and social health; it is normal to feel overwhelmed trying to fit it all in. 

What if you can allow your fitness and nutrition energize you to a lifestyle that consistently fuels itself? 

The time to pick and choose is gone – you can have it all!

You can rock at your job and make it to the gym.

You can choose healthy meals and meet up with your friends for happy hour.

Realistic goals, a tailored fitness and nutrition plan, and self awareness go a long way to change your current lifestyle so you have the energy and stamina.

I help women make high return on investment by building strong and resilient bodies without giving up on life’s pleasures.

take back control


Detailed goal setting to keep all efforts intentional and mindful.


It’s not all about getting it perfect the first time; it’s about acknowledging progress


Establish good fitness, nutrition, and mindset habits to remain consistent

Mind Control

Awareness of your inherent thoughts and how to change them


Enjoy the people who enhance your life more frequently


Responsible coaching to educate you and keep you accountable

you drive-i've got the map

When you sign up with me, you’ll always have the wheel.  We’ll determine the pace that’ll allow you to consistently keep your foot on the gas.

The roadmap designed for you keeps the goal of high performance and fulfillment without crashing into self doubt, injury, or hopelessness.

I’m confident my program builds your endurance to fuel your ambition, reset your lifestyle, and get you on the road to where you want to go!


Client Testimonial

This client is a full time parent, spouse, and commercial airline pilot.

Though she had an active lifestyle, she initially struggled with ways to incorporate regular fitness into her very dynamic lifestyle while battling an all or nothing mentality.

Client Win

About Me

Hi! I’m Lauren of SteelRose Performance.  I help busy professionals go from exhausted, discouraged, and on the cusp of burnout to sustainable, self aware, and strong bodies through 1:1 coaching.  Building a sustainable lifestyle for your physical, emotional, and mental health is more than just fitness and nutrition. I want my clients to endure the loftiest of goals, professionally and personally, while keeping their health a priority.

 I am a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer and nutrition coach.  Additionally, I’m a trained Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, which helps align decisions with my values.  Lastly, I’m a body building professional and military and commercial pilot. 

Sharing my love of health and wellness while pursuing personal and professional ambitions brings me joy. It’s my purpose to showcase and teach self awareness, discipline, and focus without sacrificing health or degrading quality of life. 

Extremes are not necessary to have a balance and harmony of the mind, the body, and interpersonal relationships. 

Connect With me Today!